I am super happy about this because I’ve been enjoying writing here so much that I never paid attention to numbers on this blog. My view stats have gone up in a great way too! Oh Just Books now receives thousands of views a month, and I don’t even know how or when it happened.
I’m so glad that my little blog baby is growing so well, and I’m glad I have such nice contributors too. I have read all my life but it’s only when I started OJB that I started writing reviews about them. I just looked through the Review Index and the variety of books there made me immensely happy. Imagine if I’d kept a record for a few more years! But no worries, in a few years, this blog will have a huge list too.
I also discovered so many wonderful authors (indie and otherwise) who’ve sent OJB their books for review. There are some I’m still in touch with and I’m grateful to have made wonderful acquaintances in the book world.
All the requests are a little overwhelming, I can’t deny it. I also cannot reply or accept all the ones I receive, no matter how much I wish I could. Plus I have books from my own TBR that I read too, yeah?
But I do understand the position I’m in as a book blogger, and I’m super glad to be contributing to this ecosystem of the book world. I hope to continue to do so for many years to come.
And someday I’ll have my own book out there, and I’ll continue to love being a part of this wonderful ecosystem!
Keep reading, folks!