The Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni 4 of 5 stars Book Details: Magical, tantalizing, and...
Magical Realism
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams 5 of 5 stars Book Summary:When a...
Hi guys, today I’d like to introduce Brian Kindall. Brian is an absolutely wonderful writer who creates...
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender 2 of 5 stars Book Details: The wondrous...
Fortuna and the Scapegrace (The Epic of Didier Rain, #2) by Brian Kindall5 of 5 stars Book Details:Didier Rain...
Delivering Virtue (The Epic of Didier Rain, #1) by Brian Kindall5 of 5 stars Book Details: Didier...
The Cake Therapist by Judith FertigRating: 3.5 of 5 stars Book Summary: A fiction debut that will...
Matchmaking for Beginners by Maddie DawsonRating: 4.5 of 5 stars Book Summary: Marnie MacGraw wants an ordinary...
The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee DivakaruniRating: 4 of 5 stars Book Review: This book is...
The Gift by Cecelia AhernRating: 4 of 5 stars Book Summary:If you could wish for one gift...