Hi Darlings!
It’s been six months that I’ve started this book blog and it’s been absolutely fabulous! I have been enjoying Goodreads, discovered so many new books and so many fun people!
I started getting review requests from Indie authors and I totally enjoyed it – the journey of dicovering new authors, seeing their blurbs, finding that their work is something I would love, and then reading, reviewing, supporting – wow!
I have been reading and writing for a long time and recently started book blogging. I know six months doesn’t seem like a long time, and it surely isn’t in the world of blogging. As is true for any kind of blog topic you choose, even book blogging takes a long time to make a mark and create a reputation for yourself.
Though I have e-known quite a few book bloggers and book lovers through Goodreads and Instagram I have not met many Indian book lovers or book bloggers, which is a shame, in my opinion.
I am an Indian book blogger and while I read all kinds of books written by all kinds of authors I would love to connect with people in India too!
Apart from this, I have been able to discover so many new indie authors who write so well, and whose books are such great works that I feel they should definitely have a greater audience.
Kindle self publishing is something that has definitely made life easier for writers, and some achieve dizzying heights. I feel if my review can persuade people to check out their books, I’ve done a good job.
Of course, before I got my Kindle I only ever read traditionally published books, and indeed even though I do accept and review a lot of Indie books, I do end up reading as much, if not more, of traditionally published books.
I might make this a recurring update column, and if there is something you guys would like me to write about, let me know. I would love to write a recurring column about say, book blogging in general, Indian book blogs, maybe about how to find great new Kindle books, sky’s the limit!
Oh and also I was considering posting my tiny stories here, they’re usually not more than a couple paragraphs; micro fiction, really. What do you think?
Thank you for joining me on my journey.
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