For a long time, I resisted audiobooks. This was not because I thought reading paper books were...
Myra Naik
Title: The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave #1)Author: Rick YanceyGenre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopian, FictionPublication Date:...
Title: The PlotAuthor: Jean Hanff KorelitzGenre: Mystery, Thriller, FictionPublication Date: May 11, 2021Review Date: Apr 10, 2023Number...
Title: Sweet Sweet Revenge Ltd.Author: Jonas JonassonTranslated by: Rachel Willson-BroylesGenre: Crime, Translated Fiction, Scandinavian Literature, HumorPublication Date:...
Title: The Woman in Cabin 10Author: Ruth WareGenre: Mystery, ThrillerPublication Date: July 19, 2016Review Date: November 21,...
Title: The Bookish Life of Nina HillAuthor: Abbi WaxmanGenre: Chick Lit, Contemporary, FictionPublication Date: July 09, 2019Review...
Title: The Complete PersepolisAuthor: Marjane SatrapiGenre: Graphic Novel, MemoirPublication Date: October 30, 2007Review Date: April 5, 2022Number...
Title: Rosemary and Rue (October Daye #1)Author: Seanan McGuireGenre: Urban FantasyPublication Date: Sept 1, 2009Review Date: March...
Title: ConnectivityAuthor: Peter RouleauGenre: LiteraryPublication Date: June 7, 2021Review Date: Sept 2, 2021Number of Pages: 109My Rating:...
Title: The Moving Finger (Miss Marple #3)Author: Agatha ChristieGenre: MysteryPublication Date: July 1942Review Date: March 29, 2022Number...